Tidy cab, tidy mind - words to live by for drivers who spend the majority of their time both living and working in their truck.
When you are out on the road a lot, it's not always easy to keep on top of cleaning but keeping your truck tidy can really help your wellbeing as well as enabling you to work more efficiently and prolong the life of your vehicle.
After a long and wet winter it's no surprise that your vehicle may be looking a little worse for wear, both inside and out. And whilst many of us enjoy keeping the exterior looking clean and shiny, we can be guilty of neglecting the inside as it slowly builds up with debris, dust and clutter.
Take a look at the steps below on how to keep your interior looking top notch and ready to hit the road this spring.
1. Declutter
First things first, grab a bag and clear out any rubbish like old receipts, wrappers, magazines and empty bottles.
Next, empty every storage space as this will make it easier to clean and see what you really need to keep .You can accumulate a lot of stuff over the winter months that’s no longer needed when it turns to spring, ice scrapers and de-icer bottles are fine examples so only keep items that you will use going forward.
2. Floor and Matting
The floor gets the biggest beating during winter with a lot of dirt and salt debris being trampled in, which can, if not dealt with, even damage the floor. So take out all the matting and vacuum everywhere, get in to all the nooks and don't forget under the seats too!
Give the floor and pedals a wipe down with a damp cloth and clean the mats all over before returning them to the cab. Finish off by spraying a fabric freshener to get rid of any nasty odours.
3. Seats and fabric
Be sure to wash the seats with a hot, wet cloth. Water is the most gentle but effective solution unless you have any really stubborn stains then we recommend a fabric cleaner.
You will also want to give your sleeping area some attention too, so if possible, strip and wash the bed linen, beat the mattress and let it air out whilst you clean the rest of the cab.
4. Windows and Mirrors
After all that driving during the wind and rain, the windows will need a bit of extra attention. Being able to see as much of the road as possible is crucial so spend a good amount of time giving them a heavy duty wipe down both inside and out using a window cleaner. Shine them up with a dry towel and then do the mirrors in the same way.
5. The Console and Dash

Wash the console and dash carefully. Avoid getting electrical connections wet, but do wipe them down appropriately using a damp cloth or if needed a suitable surface cleaner. It may not look that bad but you will be surprised at how much muck you wipe off. Don't forget the cup holders too which can gather a lot of dust and crumbs.
The steering wheel and door handles, which are often missed, are two of the most important components to clean. They can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat so antibacterial wipes are usually the best option here.
6. Organise
Lastly, return everything to the truck and organise it as you go. Rearrange lockers by putting the items you use on a daily basis in the most accessible places. It can also help to use seatback organisers, toolboxes or other small storage to keep items in order and easy to find.
Now its time to put your feet up and admire your hard work!
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